Wednesday, February 29, 2012

♥29.02♥ Parcel reached! :)

♥29.02♥ Parcel reached! :)

Parcel reached today,busy to packing tonite. Hehe =)
靠自己找回来的钱 特别珍惜♥ 感觉特别爽 ( ^3^ )

在淘宝买的,超值!! 买回来自己黏我的namecard盒 :D

分类好 然后包好 明天寄给顾客们sss ^^

是时候要换床单了 可是我不会换被套
要我弟弟帮我换 =_____= 我真不明白他是怎么做到的
那么大块被 塞进那么小个洞里面...
虽然我弟小我7年 可是有时觉得好像比较像我哥哥
很多事情我搞不掂都是他帮我解决♥ 嘿嘿

他在里面扮妖怪 还要是就来窒息的妖怪 哈哈哈哈哈!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

♥28.02♥ Shabushi Buffet Steamboat = Sucks (-__-)

♥28.02♥ Shabushi Buffet Steamboat = Sucks (-__-)

Tonite dinner at Shabushi Buffet steamboat, Sri petaling.
omg no next time. Waste money only.
No food and dunno where the hell is the sushi -.-

Monday, February 27, 2012

♥27.02♥ SunShine ☼

♥27.02♥ SunShine ☼

Wake up sooooooo early today.
go office.. haiz why i can sleep so much ╯︿╰ always can't wake up to work..
learn and do some job :) hope i really can wake up to work everyday and help mummy ♥

This is a very famous picture,
where my mum is younger and prettier than me. ♥ Haha xD

Sunday, February 26, 2012



想吃那样东西 如果真的吃到 感觉真的很开心 ^^ 嘿嘿
然后去leisure mall,因为要交货 和买点东西~
我要去莎莎买眉刀和眉笔 哇咔咔 *´゚∀゚`*

Saturday, February 25, 2012

♥25.02♥ Eyelash Extension ≧∀≦

♥25.02♥ Eyelash Extension ≧∀≦

Bring mummy for eyelash extension today :)
Me also first time. Gan Zheung! Haha xD
My cute mummy very funny de la~
The outcome is really not bad!! How good if it will like this forever!!

12mm eyelashes! Hahahaha!!

Aftertat bring mummy and muimui dinner at Snow Beer 2008,
coz the beauty saloon is just near there :) hehe

My darling mummy + me~

and my little darling sister~

See my muimui face,when she lose game! hahaha!

Aftertat go to my relative house to take some dishes back,
my grandma cooked some dishes for us =)
Dessert time at QQ Snow Mix tonite. Hehe!

QQ SnowMix

Friday, February 24, 2012

♥24.02♥ Star Village Steakhouse

♥24.02♥ Star Village Steakhouse

今天book了桌子在Star Village Kuchai Lama锯扒 :D
哇哈哈哈 我就觉得这间Star Village环境很不错
东西也很好吃 ●^皿^●

The 环境~





晚上约了Pasar Malam babies喝茶,在CoffeeBerry
今天很大棚人出来哦!! 所以聊到很夜
感激我的QiangVin载我回家 嘿嘿

Wednesday, February 22, 2012



虽然说是小手术 当天就可以出院
可是我觉得超级恐怖 可是老人家就是会患上这个
啊 真的好恐怖 *゚Д゚* 我希望我老了也不会有这个问题..
妈咪要在医院陪婆婆 所以我就要去载妹妹放学
今天肚子没有昨天那么痛了 幸好 -.- 因为如果一痛就真的什么都做不了的
载了妹妹去Pandan indah陪妈咪吃东西 :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

♥21.02♥ 肠胃炎 :(

♥21.02♥ 肠胃炎 :(

太太太倒霉了 今天一早起身 突然觉得胃痛
还要是胃抽筋那种感觉 =___=
医生检查之后说我们肠胃炎 :( omg..
*´-ω-`* 然后才知道原来office的水机filter坏了..

Monday, February 20, 2012



我要做个很正常 早睡早起的上班族啊
我不要以后只是可以做7-11半夜更 =_=

Saturday, February 18, 2012

♥18.02♥ SingK with PasarMalam babies @ Loudspeaker, Karaoke

♥18.02♥ SingK with PasarMalam babies @ Loudspeaker, Karaoke

SingK with PasarMalam babies at Loudspeaker :)
not bad de. The most important point is there hv 【爱与不爱】 omg!! ♥
aftertat drinks at Library Toshokan and get my member card! Thanks Eric :) hehe!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

♥15.02♥ Valentine DaY with Bb ヽ(o′▽`o)人(o′∀`o)ノ

♥15.02♥ Valentine DaY with Bb ヽ(o′▽`o)人(o′∀`o)ノ

超级难得的我的比比在kl 所以今天我们补情人节了!!
好开心 :) 超想念我的bb ❤ ❤ ❤
感觉上我和bb好像整天去Viva Mall拍拖 嘿嘿

因为这个照片 我决定我要减头发换刘海!! 扁到很胃啊


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

♥14.02♥ Valentine's DaY 。◕‿◕。

♥14.02♥ Valentine's DaY 。◕‿◕。

Dinner at Suki-Ya @ Pavilion.
first time. Not bad de the mutton (つ∀`*)

Dinner time! ^^

Mr Lam with the mushroom...

Miii ^^

Mr Lam

Me again! hehe