Monday, December 12, 2011

♥12.12♥ IP Presentation (●ゝω・)ノ

♥12.12♥ IP Presentation (●ゝω・)ノ

today need to prepare for the presentation of IP..
at first Joel tell us no need present..then suddenly need to present..sigh :(
but didn't feel panic at all (¯▽¯;) because only we few students. haha!
Gaodim my IP presentation in few minutes,then we can know the results dy.
We PASS!! Woohooo!! (*^皿^*) finally can throw this thing away!!

Waiting for the late teacher =_=

Primary school student pose xD

with my baobei ^^

I look so pig o.O

after gaodim all the thing went to Mid Valley~
dinner at Carl's Jr. makan burger :)
Movie time (●ゝ∀'●) [You are the apple of my eye]
I'm damn late haha. Lucikly still showing so I got chance to watch.

Dinner time~

Carl's Jr @ Mid Valley

with Mr. Lam

Huge burger~

My fish fillet :D

Movie time!

Xmas deco @ mid valley

Regret for didn't wash hair today :(

Cherry ^^


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